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Monday, 25 December 2017


  1. Do you like Christmas? Why, why not?
  2. Is Christmas celebrated in your country? If not, do you have any other kind of celebration around that time of year?
  3. Who do you usually spend Christmas with? 
  4. What does Christmas mean to you?
  5. Some people argue that we are losing the "true spirit of Christmas". Do you agree?
  6. Did you believe in Santa Claus/ Father Christmas when you were a child? How did you react when you found out that Santa Claus wasn't real?
  7. Do you celebrate Christmas in your country? If so, how? Here are some ideas to help you. Do you…?
  • Make a snowman?
  • Decorate the outside of your house for Christmas?
  • Eat/ have  turkey for your Christmas dinner?
  • Sing Christmas songs?
  • Put up a Christmas Tree?
  • Hang up a stoking?
  • Exchange presents with your relatives?
  • Visit your relatives?
  • Donate something (money, clothes...) to charity?
  • Go to church on Christmas Day?
  • Send Christmas greetings?

  1. Do you give presents to everyone in your family, including cousins, aunts and uncles, our just to your immediate family?  Do you prefer giving presents or receiving them? Do you hope to get anything special or do you know what you'll always receive from certain people?
  2. What foods are traditionally eaten in your country at Christmas?
  3. Do you enjoy singing Christmas songs?What’s your favourite Christmas song? Why?
  4. Do you like watching Christmas movies? What’s your favourite? Talk about it.
  5. What do you usually do on Christmas Day? What about on Christmas Eve?
  6. Have you ever celebrated Christmas in a foreign country?What was it like?
  7. Do you usually have a White Christmas in your country? If not, what’s the weather like?

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