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Tuesday, 28 November 2017


If only we could accurately predict the future! … Until a crystal ball is invented, our predictions can only be guided by speculation.
When we speculate about the future, we try to guess about the possible causes or effects of something, without knowing all the facts or details.
In foreign exams, the examiner will probably ask you to talk about what you think will happen in the future or how things will change in the future. Here are some phrases you can use:
Now, it’s your turn. Answer the following questions by using the sentence patterns provided above. 


I'm sure/I'm convinced that …
I doubt that …
No doubt…
I daresay…
I bet / you can bet (that)
I’ll definitely/ I definitely won't…
I’m bound to…
There’s no way…
There's no chance of…


It is (highly) likely that ...
It is (highly) probable that ...
It is unlikely/improbable that ...
It seems likely/unlikely/improbable that ...
I’ll probably / I probably won’t…


I haven’t decided yet. I reckon I’ll …
I’m not quite sure, but I may/ might/ could 
I haven’t got a clue, but perhaps…
I expect/ I suppose (that)
I hope I’ll/ won’t …
I guess/ I think/ I reckon…
My guess is that …
I imagine (that) …
I wouldn't be surprised if …

Now, it’s your turn. Answer the following questions by using the sentence patterns provided above. 

What do you think will happen next year?”
Where do you see yourself in 5 years’ time?
Do you want to study abroad?
When do you think you will finish your studies?
How will computers change in the future?
How will cellphones change in the future?
How will transportation develop in future time?
Will Uber change anything?
How long will humans live?
What kind of developments might happen in health care in the future?
Could there be another world war in the future? How can we prevent a world war from happening?
If you don't like your job now, What is the job you would like to have in future?
What will education be like in the future?
What will the cars of the future do?
What will future houses look like?
Do you think the future will be better or worse for your grandchildren? In what ways?
Would you like to live on another planet?
Will robots replace humans?
What type of job would you like to do in the future?
Do you think life will be more difficult or easier for our grandchildren? In what ways?
How do you think your country will change in the future?

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