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Wednesday, 24 May 2017


This activity is for elementary/ low-intermediate students (A1/ A2 STUDENTS) and is about using “going to” to express future plans, intentions and predictions based on evidence.

MATERIAL : The teacher will need one copy of the board game and counters for each group. 

Game rules:

1)Put the students into groups of three or four. Give each group a board, a dice and counters. 
2)When the student lands on a picture, he/she has to make a ‘going to’ sentence based on the evidence shown. If the student can’t make a correct sentence, he/she has to move to back to his/her previous square.
3)When the student lands on a blue square, he/she has to talk about the topic as fully as possible. (Remind your students to use going to). If the student can’t say anything, he/she has to move back to his/her previous square.
4)When the student lands on a question mark, he/she has to ask another student a question with ‘going to’. If the student can’t  ask the question correctly, he/she has to move back to his/her previous square.
5) When the student lands on a red square, firstly, he/she has to answer the question. Secondly, he/she has to choose another student, who is expected to continue the conversation by asking a follow- up question. If the first student can’t answer the questions, he/she has to go back to his/her previous square. 

6) The student who reaches the finish line first is the winner. 

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