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Monday 23 October 2017


The diagram above shows vocabulary related to jobs. Below are some questions for talking about jobs, which will allow you to discuss the type of job you do, where you work, and so on. 
  1. Do you work or are you a student?
  2. What do you do for a living?
  3. Do you enjoy your job?
  4. What's the best thing about your job?
  5. How many days a week do you work?
  6. Do you prefer working alone or with others? Why? Do you get on well with your co-workers?
  7. What responsibilities do you have at work?
  8. Would you like to change your job in the future?Would you like to do the same job for the rest of your life?
  9. What is your typical day like at work?
  10. What would you change about your job?
  11. What are the advantages of having your own business rather than working for someone else?
  12. What kind of work would you like to do in the future?
  13. What qualifications are required for this job?
  14. How many hours would you like to work each week?
  15. Do you consider it important to have a career?
  16. What jobs are most popular among young people these days?Are there enough jobs for people who want to do this kind of work?
  17. Is it easier to change jobs now than in the past?
  18. Is it a good idea to leave a secure job in order to pursue a dream?
  19. What career advice should be given to young people?
  20. Which do you  prefer, indoor or outdoor jobs?
  21. Does your job pay a good salary?
  22. What are the advantages and disadvantages to your job?
  23. Which do you think are some of the more demanding jobs?
  24. Which are the least demanding jobs?
  25. Which jobs are badly paid?
  26. Which jobs are over-paid?
  27. Are there any jobs which can only be done by one gender?
  28. At what age do people usually begin to work in your country?
  29. At what age do people usually retire in your country?When do plan to retire?
  30. Do women usually work after they get married in your country?
  31. Do you think it is more important to make a lot of money or to enjoy your job?
  32. Do you think that working conditions have improved? If so, in what ways?
  33. What skills are most valued by employers?
  34. The level of education you achieve has no connection to how much money you can earn. Do you agree?
  35. Would you consider teaching as a career?

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