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Monday 21 August 2017


Hi, guys!

Are you a persuasive person or are you easily persuaded? Being persuasive is a matter of how you cause someone to do something. You can be persuasive by using the right intonation or by selecting a phrase that is appropriate to the context.

Today’s post has to do with how to convince someone of something. The expressions above will definitely be useful for those taking FCE and CAE exams, since in the speaking part 3, students are asked to solve a problem or to try to come to a decision about something. In fact, you can improve your skills of persuasion by putting into practice some useful expressions. Have a go!

On top of the expressions listed above, we could say: 

'I can assure you that…'
'It’s crystal clear that…'
'But can’t you see that…'
'Look, …'
'Honestly, it’s quite true.'

'Just imagine…’

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