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Wednesday 16 August 2017


  1. Where were you born?
  2. When were you born? 
  3. Where did you grow up?
  4. Who was your childhood best friend?
  5. Were you a naughty or a quiet child?
  6. What kind of food did you eat when you were a child?
  7. What games did you like playing when you were a child?
  8. What TV shows did you enjoy?
  9. Where did you live as a child?
  10. What was your city like when you were a child/… years ago?
  11. Did you live in a house or in a flat?
  12. Was it big or small? 
  13. Did you have your own bedroom?
  14. How many rooms were there?
  15. Did you have a happy childhood?
  16. Was _____________ your first school?
  17. How old were you when you started to study? 
  18. Did you like your first school?
  19. Who was your first teacher? Was he/she nice? 
  20. What school subjects were you good at?
  21. How long did you study there?
  22. How old were you when you started to study English?
  23. What did you do for you last holiday?
  24. What time did you get up this morning? 
  25. What did you do after you got up?
  26. What did you eat for breakfast this morning?
  27. What time did you have breakfast this morning?
  28. Did you go to school this morning?
  29. What time did you go to school?
  30. Who did you go to school with? 
  31. Who did you meet at school this morning?
  32. What did you have for lunch?
  33. What did you do yesterday?
  34. When was the last time you went to the cinema? What did you see?
  35. Where did you go last weekend? 
  36. Who did you go with?
  37. When did you start to ( e.g play …/dance classical ballet?)
  38. When was the last time you went shopping?
  39. What did you buy? 
  40. How much did you spend?
  41. When was the last time you went to a good restaurant? 
  42. What did you eat? 
  43. When did you last go to a party?
  44. Did you have fun? 
  45. What was the weather like yesterday?
  46. What time did you arrive home yesterday?
  47. What time did you go to bed last night?
  48. Did you sleep well last night?
  49. Did you have a shower before going to bed?
  50. What did you do before you went to bed?

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